Furniture Cabinets

Were made small changes to the original floor plan in a few areas: the gaucho bed and bunk bed at the rear of the camper, the closet wall, and the kitchen counter. We cleared the camper’s interior and saved the old cabinets as templates for the new ones.

Bed and storage

Instead of building the same gaucho bed typical of the 1978 Boler, we decided to build a fixed bed and use the space underneath for storage. We also got rid of the old bunk bed above the gaucho bed and built fixed cabinets above it.

Old Gaucho Bed and Bunk Bed Above
Old Gaucho Bed and Bunk Bed Above

Floor Repair
Floor Repair and Contour of New Cabinets
New bed and Cushions
New bed and Cushions
Storage Under Bed
Storage Under Bed

Kitchen Counter

The old Formica kitchen counter was in really bad shape. Since the width of the counter is larger than the standard dimensions for a kitchen counter, we had to choose a counter surface that we could cut to fit the unique shape of the Boler. We didn’t like the counter extension over the bed, so we changed it to the opposite side of the counter and made it almost as large as the counter. The dinette‘s table has the same beautiful wooden finish as the kitchen counter.

Old kitchen counter and gaucho bed
Old kitchen counter and gaucho bed
New Kitchen Counter and Extension
New Kitchen Counter and Extension

Closet Wall

Old Closet Wall
Old Closet Wall

Another change we made was to modify the size of the shelves and openings on the closet wall. Since we installed a bigger refrigerator, we modified the alignment and dimensions of a few cupboards and drawers, without changing the floor plan. We also changed the old hinges and knobs, which gives a modern look to the interior space.

New Closet Wall
New Closet Wall