Tow Frame

The old tow frame was covered with rust, and the paint on the tongue was deteriorating. Eric was able to detach the rusty tow frame by watching videos of Boler enthusiasm Kevin Johnston. His Youtube tutorial videos are beneficial for everyone who wants to upgrade an old Boler camper. Once the tow frame is detached from the camper, we need to sandblast the metal before applying the new paint. it’s worth taking the tow frame to a specialist for sandblasting. At the same time, we asked for welding the support of the spare tire to the metal frame. Eric applied black paint made especially for cars.

Old Tow Frame
Old Tow Frame
Rust on old Tow Frame
Rust on old Tow Frame
Rust on Tow Frame
Rust on Tow Frame
Tow Frame sandblasted
Tow Frame sandblasted
Paint Frame
Paint frame

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